Public Speaking Junior Championship & Awards 2021

Event Date:
4th July 2021
Event Time:
10:00 am
Event Location:
Online zoom
“Public Speaking Junior Championship & Awards 2021”
Junior Championship (Public Speaking)
Objective: To promote and strengthen public speaking, personality grooming, communication and storytelling skills amongst youth and make them aware about ‘presentation literacy.’ It’s an event for the junior, by the junior, with the junior and for the junior
There are three categories and each category will have 1st(winner) ,2nd(1st runnerup) & 3rd(2nd runnerup)
- Category A – 03 to 07 years 10 slots.
- Category B – 08 to 12 years – 10 slots
- Category C – 13 to 16 years – 10 slots.
- Language Allowed – English/Hindi/Hinglish only
- Script, prop and preparations to be done at parent’s end.
- Maximum Speaking Slots – 30
- Time – 2-5 Minutes per kid
- Theme -“What an Idea “
As a participant you can promote any idea related to general life, science, social relationships, technology, skills & other related topics in your video of up to 3-5 minutes. Usage of a prop is mandatory.
“Format for uploading the video on Facebook:”
- Participant of Public Speaking Junior Championship 2021
- Name:
- Category:
- Topic:
- Location:
#kidsevent #psjca2021 #publicspeaking #publicspeakingjunior
#kids #digital #mstalks #mstalksindia #mstalksevent
Copy paste and use these hashtags in your post when you upload the video;
You need to upload the prepared speech video from 20th June to 27th June, 2021 for all the kids in the three age categories from any location in the world. Participant has to share the recorded video with clear background and voice of minimum 2 minutes or maximum 5 minutes which will be judged by panel of jury. Please note you need to have a Facebook ID – it is mandatory, else you cannot participate in the competition. Facebook ID can be of mother or father only incase junior doesn’t have one.
Where to upload the video
Facebook Group: Public Speaking Junior
Group Link:
Final Results will be declared on July 4th 2021 Sunday – 10 am to 11 am online on zoom session.
Prize for kids (across categories)
1st, 2nd & 3rd
1st: Memento of achievement (by courier) + Digital Certificate of appreciation + Gift Hampers + Free entry pass for a Personal Development Mentorship session of 60 minutes by Renowned International Public speaking coach – Author Sherry + You will be featured for an Interview hosted at The Author Sherry Show where many celebrities have been interviewed online – Public Speaking Junior Facebook Group.
2nd: Digital Certificate of appreciation + Gift Hampers + Free entry pass for a Personal Development Mentorship session of 60 minutes by Renowned International Public speaking coach – Author Sherry
3rd: Digital Certificate of appreciation + Gift Hampers
Digital Certificate of participation will be given to all the kids who are participating in this championship.
Registration criteria:
- Registration fee -700 INR per kid
- Payment –By PAYTM or Google pay – 9899837039
*Payment acknowledgment will be sent on email or parents WhatsApp number immediately.
What is in it for Junior:
- Kid’s video will be uploaded on MS Talks – You tube channel for visibility.
- Digital Certificate of appreciation for all the kids who will participate.
- Visibility in front of community & industry experts
4.All digital posters of junior speaker will be featured on our community with 5 lacs+ reach on social media.
5.Media coverage will be done by our media partners
Request to parents and caretakers
- Please don’t compromise on the audio and video quality. We wouldn’t entertain videos with poor video and voice quality and further it will be treated as disqualified.
- No editing of videos, cut, copy, paste will be accepted, only raw videos will be approved
- Parents are requested to encourage their kids to participate and help them in preparation and decide the prop. Entries will be on ‘first come and first serve basis’.
- Jury panel decision will be treated as final for results.
- Videos with incorrect hashtags or incomplete hashtags wouldn’t be uploaded.
Video Upload Date: 20th June to 27th June, 2021, post that no video upload will be considered.
For any clarifications, write to us – or call at 9899837039, 9953122127 for any inquires. All rights reserved with the management.
Wishing the very best to all the juniors.
Gratitude & Respect,
Author Sherry
Founder & CEO – MS Talks™
Public Speaking Platform for kids
Public Speaking event in Delhi
Kids Award Event
Global Prodigy kids award
Kids award events in India
Public Speaking Training for kids
Public Speaking Junior
Public Speaking for kids and teens